Embrace the Role of a Catholic School Governor

Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the education of young minds? Consider becoming a school governor at a Catholic school. As a school governor, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the spiritual and academic development of students while upholding the values and traditions of the Catholic faith. By engaging in strategic decision-making, fostering an inclusive environment, and supporting the school’s leadership team, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of Catholic education. Join us in this fulfilling journey of empowering students and strengthening the Catholic community through your service as a school governor.

Hear from our incredible governors from across the Trust below:

Why be a governor for a Catholic school?

Church schools play a significant role in shaping the lives of students and the wider community. As a Catholic school governor, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful difference. Volunteering in this role is rewarding, challenging, and impactful. By becoming a foundation governor in a Catholic school, you can strengthen the connection with the Church, the diocese, and the Christian faith.

Who can be a governor for a Catholic school?

The governing body of every school consists of various types of governors, such as parent-governors and teacher governors. In Catholic schools, there are additional Foundation Governors who always hold a majority. The primary responsibility of the governing body is to work strategically, upholding the Catholic vision and character of the school. They hold the Head teacher and leadership team accountable, oversee the school’s financial performance, set the budget, manage admissions criteria, and participate in the recruitment of senior leadership.

Becoming a governor doesn’t require any specific qualifications, and the diverse skills and experiences of governor colleagues are valued. Catholic schools seek individuals committed to their faith, eager to share wisdom and life experiences. Governors provide support and challenge to school leaders, ensuring the best education for the children.

Governance teams benefit from diversity, including age, gender, and ethnic background.

What is the process of becoming a governor for a Catholic school?

Foundation Governors, are appointed by the local Bishop and represent the Bishop’s education policy. The local diocese manages the appointment process and offers support to governing bodies in fulfilling their duties.

You can nominate yourself for consideration. Your Parish Priest, a Headteacher, a Chair of Governors, or another member of the Catholic community may have already encouraged you to do so. The nomination forms can be found on the majority of diocesan websites. Simply fill them out and send them to your respective diocese. Your application will then be processed by the diocese, who will verify your active Catholic faith and completion of the required safeguarding checks. Once approved, they will allocate you to a school where your specific skill set is in demand.

What does the commitment of being a governor for a Catholic school look like?

On average, the role of a Foundation Governor will require a monthly time commitment of approximately 10-12 hours. The actual hours may differ based on factors like the school calendar or specific events, such as an Ofsted inspection. This commitment includes attending a minimum of three full governor meetings per year and actively participating in at least one committee. The committees will concentrate on key areas including finance, curriculum, pupil progress, and site management. Additionally, you will receive encouragement to attend complimentary training sessions, typically facilitated by our diocese.